As Elsa Said… Let It Go!

You don’t ever have to feel guilty about removing toxic people from your life. It doesn’t matter wether someone is a relative, employer, romantic interest, childhood friend, or a new acquaintance… You don’t have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small. It’s one thing if a person owns up to their behavior and makes an effort to change. But if a person disregards your feelings ,ignores your boundaries and continues to treat you in a harmful way… They need to go!

Why So Judgmental?

if you don’t discriminate against blacks, why do you discriminate against gays? It’s sinning. If God didn’t want them to be gay, he wouldn’t make them that way…. Personally I’m straight but I will support those who are lesbian, gay, bi, and trains until the I die because I believe that we are all entitled to happiness. If being gay is a choice, when did you decide to become straight? Love Is Love
♂ + ♂ =
♀ + ♀ =
♀ + ♂ =

It doesn’t freaking matter who you love! Please delete me if you disagree

It takes a strong person to apologize and even a stronger one to forgive…..

Forgiveness is not something that we learn in school ,no one can teach us how to forgive it is something that each individual person has to figure out on there own. To forgive someone does not mean to forget the past it just means to continue with the present and focus on the future without letting the past get in your way. Different situations may be more or less difficult to forgive for example if your friend said she was going to come over on sunday then ended up not being able to you may be a little mad ,but it would most likely be easy to forgive her. Sometimes it sucks that there is no handbook on how to handle life there is no rules for who to forgive and who not to forgive ,it`s just something that you have to figure out on your own. Don’t let others tell you who to forgive and who not to forgive let the decision be up to you. Just remember no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes.

Parents are the last people on earth who ought to have children.

According to parents we’re too young for love, too old for fun, too smart to play dumb and too immature for grown up conversations. Its no wonder teens are so rebellious! There’s nothing else to do!

Somethings parents just dont understand about teenagers.

  • Teens dont want their parents to try and be friends with them- Teenagers want you to be involved with their life and know there firends and teachers ,but they dont want you to know the details of there social life. Its just awkward and un necessary. We undersand telling you whats going on but they dont need to know it all;
  • We should be allowed to have a good time in High School and enjoy being young- Teens should be allowed to date and do what they want to (as long as its reasonable) I know parents think its wrong ,but honestly as long as we arent drinking ,having sex, or doing drugs .whats the harm?Teenagers will be way more likely to talk to there parents about whats going on and not be sneaky if their parents allow them to do things.
  • Ground your kids if they misbehave .but do not go crazy- It makes complete and totla sense to ground teens if they have unaccaptable behavior or get bad grades; Punish them accordingly to what they did and how bad it was ,but keep in mind if you cut them slack and are lenient they will be much happier and less likely to rebel against you and hide things from you.  Be open minded when puninishing and try to stay on the fair side of things.
  • Yelling at a teenager will not get you very far at all- Teenagers tend to tune out while being screamed at by parents (it is proven that it is natural instinct to not pay clear attention when being yelled at) If you stay calm and have a conversation with the teen they are more likely to be cooperative and really take what they say to heart.
  • Dont invade there privacy-  Do not snoop around your childs social sites or phone if you allow your child to have a facebook or a cell phone then you should give them the privacy that goes along with itl It is okay to not allow them to be sneaky with there phone and to do random checks if the teenager knows but dont just pick up there stuff and go through it.
  • Dont compare your teenager to someone else-Teenagers hate it when you compare us to other people. ,it breaks us down more than you know.
  • Parents your teenager wants to connect with friends not strangers- Parents worry about teens connecting with strangers online when in reality the majority of teens just go online to talk to there friends. Teens should be asked more about their friend and friend drama than creepy old people online ,because believe it or not most teens arent that stupid.
  • Teens have a big fear- Teenagers fear missing out this is why they are connected by hip to  their phones and the internet. Teens want to feel like they are cool and like they are part of the social scene. Parents need to realize that we dont really get to talk at school and so when we get home we want to tak to the people we saw that day.

I could keep going forever but I am going to leave it at that for now guys….. 🙂

-Autumn Bobo

Annoying Siblings

Do you have a brother or sister? If so I am sure you know what it`s like to love someone and want to kill them at the same time. At times siblings can be A-mazing ,cute ,and funny ,but at other times they are like little demons sent out to drive you crazy.

Weather they are…………

-calling you names

-messing with your stuff

-invading your space

-tattle telling

-over achiever-

-friend stealing 

Lets face it siblings can be real pains in the butt and its something we all have to learn to deal with. But I can say this if you have a sibling that is annoying be the bigger person and don`t make a big deal out of it. If you argue back and make it into a big deal all that will do is stir them up and make them want to annoy you more. The best thing to do is just ignore them and then they will see that what they are doing doesn`t bother you and most likely they will stop. The main reason siblings are annoying is to get your attention and get a reaction out of you. If you have a sibling try to spend quality fun time with them to show them that you love and care about them without any arguing or bickering.


– Autumn Bobo